Chapter 3 Reading Guide Classical Civilization India Answer Key


Chapter 3 -- Classical Indian Civilization

Chapter 3 -- Classical Indian Civilization Chapter 3 -- Classical Indian Civilization

Review slides have been posted. It is highly advised you consult them, especially to get a sense of timeline and Indian terms -- but do note that any material we covered in Chapter 3, including handouts, is fair game.

Handouts to pay attention to include the one on Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro, the one comparing Hinduism and Buddhism, and the reading/review guide.

As was viewed in class, here is a link to the Crash Course World History series' video clip on classical India  -- you might find it a helpful and interesting way to review. Do note that, in case the video contradicts the course material (and in some cases, it does, however slightly),go with the book! Go with the notes!When we viewed it in class, I pointed out what the errors were. Nothing glaring; mostly trivial. Still, do keep that in mind!


Comparative Essay -- Due Fri, 10/23 (B); Mon, 10/26 (A)

Hinduism and Buddhism both developed in India during the classical civilizations. As these religions grew, they developed both similarities and differences. Describe three (3) similarities and three (3) differences of Hinduism and Buddhism.

In answering the above prompt, it is highly recommended that you spend some time -- several minutes, if not longer -- organizing and outlining your essay, rather than just diving into it; the final product will most likely be the better for it.

Your essay must:

  • Have relevantthesissupported by appropriate historical evidence
  • Addressallparts of the question -- remember, three (3) similaritiesandthree (3) differences!
  • Make direct, relevant comparisons
  • Analyze relevant reasons for the similarities and differences

Remember, this is anessay! It asks that you go deeper than you might on a short answer question.

Although the class materials offer an ample volume of information -- if you opt to use outside sources, please indicate the source; a formal bibliography is not required (although appreciated), but some form of sourcing -- even the links -- would be helpful.

Ideal format would be typed and double-spaced; if handwritten, please write as legibly as possible.

Detailed grading information can be found in the rubric -- see the attached files (where the slideshows are also located).

When submitting the essay, include the rubric and your outline along with it.

Let us know if you have any questions along the way!

Chapter 3 Review Questions -- Wed, 10/21 (B); Thur, 10/21(A)

Please bring three (3) or more questions relevant to Chapter 3 for class review. These questions can be ones you do not know the answers to, ones you feel might be important for the class to know, or simply ones on topics that you find interesting.

If you have more than three questions, then by all means, bring more!

Chapter 3 Outline -- Mon, 10/19 (B); Tue, 10/20 (A)

  1. p.56-62 (to "Political Institutions") -- Tue, 10/13 (B); Wed, 10/14 (A)
  2. p.62-68 (to "Economy and Society") -- Thu 10/15 (B); Fri 10/16 (A)
  3. p.68-74 (through the end of the chapter) -- Mon 10/19 (B); Tue 10/20 (A)

Focus on key points!

Be sure to noteall vocabulary terms (usually inbold).

Related Files

    pptx File g9hjk -- chapter 3.1 -- overview of classical india (1).pptx (PPTX 4.87 MB) pptx File g9hjk -- chapter 3.2 -- politics and religion in classical indian society.pptx (PPTX 7.82 MB) pptx File g9hjk -- chapter 3.3 -- culture, economics, and influence of classical indian society (1).pptx (PPTX 9.49 MB) pptx File g9hjk -- chapter 3.4 -- chapter 3 review (1).pptx (PPTX 3.99 MB)


Chapter 3 Reading Guide Classical Civilization India Answer Key


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