Heart Pop Up Cards Origami Free Printable

Homemade Origami Valentine Card Kissing Lips Popup

origami valentine kissing lips animation

Looking for an origami Valentine card idea?

Why not give your Valentine a big smoochy kiss with these pop-up origami kissing lips. They're a cinch to make, and then you just glue them into the inside of a card. I'll show you how on this page...

Here's what your homemade origami valentine card could look like. On the outside, it just looks like an ordinary card.

kissing lips origami valentine card front view

But when you open it...

kissing lips origami card inside composite

You get a big kiss!

kissing lips origami valentine card almost open

It's really easy to make valentine cards like these. Folding the lips only takes a few minutes, and then you just glue or tape them into a card. You can use either a homemade or store-bought card. The lips really do make quite a unique valentine card idea!

Materials for Origami Valentine Card

To make the kissing lips, you'll need a square of paper about 6 inches (15 cm) wide. That will make a set of lips about 3 inches (7.5 cm) wide. You can make the lips bigger or smaller as you like.

It's best if the paper is blank on one side and colored on the other , so that the lips stand out. Alternatively, you can put a colored square and a blank square on top of each other to achieve the same effect.

Video: Kissing Lips Origami Valentine

Here's a video showing how to fold the origami kissing lips. Click the white arrow to play.

If the video keeps stopping and starting, it's probably because your internet connection is a bit slow. You can pause it and come back in a few minutes when it's finished loading. Or you can just follow the photo instructions below instead.

Once you've made the lips, you just use glue or double sided tape to attach them to the inside of a card.

Photo: Kissing Lips Origami Valentine Card

Step 1

Start with a square of paper with the colored side up. Fold in half diagonally.

kissing lips origami valentine card step 1

Step 2

Fold the bottom right corner of the triangle across to the left, so that the fold is 1/3 of the way along the bottom edge.

kissing lips origami valentine card step 2

An easy way to measure 1/3 of the way across is to gently squash the bottom of triangle into a Z-shape. This way you can make little creases at the 1/3 and 2/3 points.

kissing lips origami valentine card step 2b

Make the same fold on the other side, i.e. fold the left-corner across to the right.

kissing lips origami valentine card step 2c

Step 3

Fold up the corner:

kissing lips origami valentine card step 3

Fold up the corner on the other side too:

kissing lips origami valentine card step 3b

Step 4

Now fold the corners down.

kissing lips origami valentine card step 4

Step 5

Fold the corners up diagonally like this:

kissing lips origami valentine card step 5

Step 6

Then fold the corners down like this:

kissing lips origami valentine card step 6b

Your paper should now look something like this:

kissing lips origami valentine card step 6c

Step 7

Unfold the piece of paper completely and lay it blank side up like the picture below. You're probably thinking "What!? After all that folding you want me to unfold it again?" . Yes, but don't worry, you're over half-way now, and all those creases you made are about to come in very handy :-)

Fold up the tip of the bottom corner of the square. You'll find that there's already a crease there for you to fold along.

kissing lips origami valentine card step 7

Step 8

Fold along the creases near the tip.

kissing lips origami valentine card step 8

As you make the folds, a little sticking up protrusion will form. It looks funny, but it's actually one of the lips. It will look better when the card is finished.

kissing lips origami valentine card step 8b

Here's another view:

kissing lips origami valentine card step 8c

Do the same thing with the opposite corner. Your paper should now look like this:

kissing lips origami valentine card step 8d

Step 9

Turn the paper over so that the colored side is up, then fold along the creases shown here.

kissing lips origami valentine card step 9

Step 10

Fold in the corners at the sides.

kissing lips origami valentine card step 10

Step 11

Fold back at the edges of the lips.

kissing lips origami valentine card step 11b

Your kissing lips are finished, and ready to go into your origami valentine card!

kissing lips origami finished

Just for interest, the more traditional way to finish the origami kissing lips is shown in the pictures below. The traditional way doesn't fit as well into a card though.

kissing lips origami valentine card step 11

kissing lips origami finished


Once you've folded the origami kissing lips, it's just a matter of attaching them to the inside of a card using glue or double sided tape. I prefer double sided tape because it seems to stick better and also I get impatient waiting for glue to dry :-)

kissing lips origami valentine card medium open

For the front of the origami valentine I just used a really simple design with a cut-out heart, but you can decorate it however you like. You could even just buy a card and then glue the origami lips inside.

kissing lips origami valentine card front view

How did your origami valentine card turn out? I hope you found my instructions clear! If you have any questions or comments, or just want to say hi, then please contact me with this handy form .

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Source: https://www.homemade-gifts-made-easy.com/origami-valentine.html

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